Sua non Soki Tium - Be ngu ngon, ba me yen tam


· Coastline Care,Soki Tium

This is one of the strategic partners of Soki Tium with a mission to provide solutions to improve sleep, difficulty sleeping, crying night for children's Central love. To be able to grow into the chain be like today, so we chose the good items and branded as SOKI TIUM with the system of medicine across the country. Children under 30 days of age: give the child To drink 1 sachet/time/day x 18 - 24 October. According to Ingredia Dairy Experts, this is a kind of protein is hydrolyzed in the digestive system of young children after breastfeeding. However, infants and small children often encountered the situation of less sleep is not deep sleep, cry, twisting his startled... it took 3 years of research on children's physical newborn Vietnamese, then the experts of Soki Tium see that besides the influence of the environment outside the womb, the stimulation of life, the less resistance, physical weakness, often torus sick classifieds is the major cause that leads to young tired and fussy, trouble sleeping at night.

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Soki Tium - building Efforts norms sleep for kids on a foundation of science in Addition, Soki Tium also be appreciated by source high grade raw material is imported directly from corporations Ingredia - unit specializing in the supply of Medicinal herbs and raw materials for the Pharmaceutical corporations Top in the world. After nearly 20 years of research and 8 clinical trials, Lactium is used as a nutrient that helps to nourish the brain, help baby go to sleep gently and naturally.At the present time, whey protein Lactium is the “pride” of the brand Soki Tium.By signing distribution Lactium between Pharvina and corporations Ingredia, Soki Tium become row labels support your baby sleep soundly unique (to this point) on the Vietnamese market have ingredients Lactium imported from Ingredia - France. Type this protein gently pass the metabolism of the body, from the word go deep into the body to help nourish and relax the brain. Small children don't sleep well sleep is not deep sleep, easy to cry, often waking, startled since birth. To take up to 12 years of research plying in the laboratory of French scientists of the university of Nancy can find out the cause why after breastfeeding, young children can be happy, easy sleep, deep sleep so.

Widely used in European countries, but not until 2015 label Soki Tium new have the opportunity to partner and bring source material, this precious about kids. Can say Soki Tium not only owns the principle of pure nutrition, safety, but it also helps children sleep naturally and standards are currently many parents find and use special is the industry's top experts appreciate. According to the Association of Women of the United States, if children are supplements colostrum will get a lot of great benefits as there is a strong immunity (thanks to the addition of antibodies and white blood cells), prevent infection, and help remove the scum toxic. Recently, the CEO Le Huy Strong - founder of brand Soki Tium shared: “With the oath of the person making the pill is to take the “Mind” as important, we have built value his trust based on quality products and providing the best service possible in the operation of customer care.

Expect that with Soki Tium the mother will go through the season love the warm side of his angels. Currently, on the Vietnamese market, Soki Tium is prestige products help children sleep completely from milk with 2 main ingredients: whey Protein Lactium and colostrum Colostrum. Words that help children to feel happy, reduce the stress, stimulating because the environment changes or the week crisis moisture system. The nutrients in Soki tium helps to relax, reduce stress, anxiety, helps sleep, deep sleep. Around stereotypes about products sleep is a must contain sedative qualities. Soki Tium pioneers building sleep standards for young emKhởi inspiration for scientific research from the love of the mother since birth, product support, help baby to sleep is developed by the Pharmaceutical Pharvina 2015, Soki Tium still persevere with the expert doctor research norms sleep for Vietnamese children.Through media campaigns, Soki Tium sent to the message: A good night's sleep is a must sleep standard.